среда, 12 ноября 2008 г.

How to keep genesial health of the boy?

Boys should be mobile, inquisitive, active. If the child flaccid, sets few questions, is interested in world around, it can be carried both to features of character, and to problems in puberty.

When the boy lags behind in growth, and cheap vpxl hereditary preconditions for this purpose are not present, probably, at the child the so-called hormonal mirror is displaced, there is an insufficient development of sexual buy ultram online hormones, first of all Testosteron-Depotum. It is the main man's sexual hormone which plays the important role in an organism of the man, influences mood, working capacity, a dream, sexual activity, and the most important thing - on man's motivation. In such situation parents should pay attention to how external genitals develop, the muscles, a skeleton, whether corresponds it to age norm.

As to teenagers - pay attention to development Weight Loss Phentermine of secondary sexual signs: growth, weight, a pilosis, change of the sizes of genitals (especially testicles). If there are doubts, it is better to visit the expert.

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