вторник, 18 ноября 2008 г.

Air gassed condition does men fruitless

To this sad conclusion scientists from University of Naples after research about 100 men who as obliges spend time most part on motorways have come. Their indicators of a semen influencing barrenness, to the worst buy levitra cheap differ from indicators of other Italians living in the same district.

To this sad conclusion scientists from University of Naples after research about 100 men who as obliges spend time most part on motorways have come. Their indicators of a semen influencing barrenness, to the worst differ from indicators of other Italians living in the same district.

Level of Testosteron-Depotum and other hormones at surveyed were in norm, but motility of spermatozoons was small, and it strongly influences ability of the man to fertilise an ootid. The quantity of buy cheap ultram effected spermatozoons at «workers of motorways» also has appeared more low, than at other men.

83 % of men which were surveyed by doctors - are married, and only the seven from them has children, the others - are fruitless.

Doctor Michel de the Rose weight loss buy phentermine declares, that results of its researches should disturb the organisations of public health services and force people to devote more agents and bionomics time for a planet.

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