Prostate adenoma, or, in a scientific way, good-quality hyperplasia of a prostate - a piece unpleasant and, unfortunately, too often visiting men at mature age. Treat it variously, depending on gravity of a condition: both medicines, and a scalpel. But, according to doctor-urologist Vladimir Saenko, to buy levitra 10 mg all who has got acquainted with this disease, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules of a food not to aggravate illness and to help its treatment.
For a long time and well-known, that various products possess different action on our organism. Any any fix, any possess diuretic action, ultram tablet and any force a stomach and other organs of digestion to work simply on deterioration.
A food of the patients, suffering prostate diseases, should be spent taking into account many factors. Character of disease, its form and a stage, features of a current, a condition of other organs and systems is thus considered. In each concrete case character of a food is defined by the attending physician. But there are certain general rules most a balanced diet at this disease.
Are resolved:
- Bread wheaten and grey, rather weak tea and coffee, crude fruit and vegetable juice, dogrose broth, milk, kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, a butter and vegetative Adepses, eggs (no more than one in day), vegetarian, vegetable, fruit and milk soups, meat of low-fat grades (beef, veal, a hen, a turkey, a rabbit) in a boiled kind.
Also the natural, boiled both baked vegetables and greens (carrots, a beet, a cauliflower, a potato, green peas, fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, salad, a pumpkin, the vegetable marrows, the boiled down onions, a water-melon, a melon), various groats and the pasta prepared on water and milk in the form of porridges, puddings, cutlets etc. are recommended., different fruit and berries without restriction in a crude and boiled kind, kissels, compotes, jam, honey, dried apricots, a dried apricots, prunes.
Are forbidden:
- Meat, fish and mushroom broths, refractory (mutton, pork, beef) Adepses, the aerated drinks, bean (peas, a string bean, beans, lentil), alcohol, strong tea and coffee, cocoa, chocolate, acute, salty snack and seasonings, internal organs of animals (brains, a liver, kidneys), weight loss order phentermine caviar, a radish, a garden radish, spinach, meat and mushroom canned food, rich flour products.
The nutrition possessing aperient action Is recommended.
These are vegetables (a beet, carrots, cabbage, a pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes), fruit, berries, milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, curdled milk, cream, sour cream), dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, a fig, raisin), honey, vegetative Adepses (sunflower, corn, an olive oil), groats (buckwheat, pearl-barley, millet).
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