воскресенье, 16 ноября 2008 г.

How many women are necessary for protection against a prostatitis

There is an opinion, that the a considerable quantity of women the man will possess, the it is less at it probability to be ill with a prostatitis. This statement is true only partly. Long abstention leads to a secret stagnation in a prostate and can provoke an inflammation. But other extreme measure - sex marathons - are useful only to man's vanity.

All sex norms are strictly individual, and weight loss order phentermine generic for someone once a week - a holiday, and someone and three times a day has not enough. However it is not necessary to take a great interest all the same even if forces allow. Age norms for the average man are that: till 25 years - 6-8 times a week, to 50 - 4-5 times, after 50 - 3-5 times, to 55 - 2-3 times, after 55 - are even more rare.

All indicators very relative. Usually in pair the sex rhythm hardly is established more often, than the woman, and hardly wants less often, than the man wants. The individual statistics does not give in to a substantiation. If at the man the strong sexual constitution and he wants 5 times a day, and its wife so is frequent to itself does not admit, at it the congestive prostatitis can quite develop.

Traditionally it is considered, that the prostate inflammation causes mass of problems: the quantity of developed hormones and prostatic juice decreases, and time of hormones is less, means, and an inclination not such as before - the potency suffers. All would be so if it was inevitable.

The statistics shows: among those who complains of sex problems, only at every tenth it is really bound to a prostatitis. And there are more 15 % suffering a prostatitis note at itself sex disorders (which besides purchase ultram are not always bound to this illness). Certainly, the acute prostatitis is capable to beat off any desire at all. But when the acute stage passes, moaning «is impossible because of a prostatitis» is justified by nothing. Most likely, failure has occurred because its man subconsciously waited.

At last, it is necessary to dispel a myth that the prostatitis is not treated. It is treated! Also it is not simply treated, but also completely recovers, including a prostatitis chronic. It is enough to carry out bacteriological or virologic research about detection of infections transferred sexual by, to take on the analysis a secret of a prostate and to spend ultrasonic scanning of a prostate.

After that having accurate idea about a prostate condition, about what infection has caused an inflammation, the doctor prescribes adequate treatment, selecting preparations and their dosage. The victory over an infection means a victory over a prostatitis. The effect comes nearer to 100 %.

Today there is only one kind of a prostatitis which the modern medicine is not capable while to overcome completely is the prostatitis caused by a virus of herpes. But also here it is possible to reach buy levitra on line quite decent quality of a life of the patient for long years. All other theories about a lifelong cross of a prostatitis - a lie.

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