воскресенье, 30 ноября 2008 г.

The most harmful sex habits

There are acts which should not be made in bed as these actions can affect negatively yours with favourite relations. The most frequent and widespread mistakes are following bad habits.
- Employment by sex in socks. In some camps of the world, for example, in Ukraine, not taken out socks are the terrible insult.
- There is no necessity to leave on buy levitra 20 mg a neck or other parts of a body a brand, proving to that, what you, passionate lovers. And, at last, blue it is simple not aesthetically.
- To laugh during employment by sex. Well, really, to whom it is pleasant, when during the most responsible moment the partner (or the partner) starts to laugh loudly? If at you at both fine sense of humour it is possible even to play ridiculous erotic etudes or playful sketches.
- To throw out in a window the used condoms. And what at us under houses? Green plantings. And here it hangs on a branch... And you leave in the morning an entrance and it find out. And at once becomes somehow not on itself, and you think: "Grandmothers leave, children... And it dangles directly before a window of the second floor, the white such..."
It is not necessary to pollute environment, therefore be not too lazy to reach a garbage can.
- To distract during sex. As the variant to watch TV. To struggle it is possible only, having read lecture about purchase ultram obline an overstrain of circular muscles of eyes and, as consequence, sight deterioration. Think - in points after all it is necessary to go! Certainly, as there are also pairs for which conversations during sex are usual business.
- To accept sex stimulators. Viagra and Cialis are on sale in any chemist's booth, but many men use these preparations and in the absence of problems with an erection. So, just in case. In what it results? First, "just in case" they are practically useless. Secondly, the load on heart during sex and so increases several times, in comparison with a rest condition, and a side effect of preparations-stimulators causes pressure rising. Thus, on vascular system of the person who has accepted viagra, already double load, and if still atop залакировать vodka the orgasm can become the last is necessary...
- Sex under degree. In such condition things with which it is necessary to make actions become the main enemies: weight loss phentermine generic online condoms, tubes with greasing.
- Smoking in bed. First, it is unhealthy, secondly, can dangerously.

среда, 26 ноября 2008 г.

In the nose form we define sexuality

There is an opinion, as if on length of a nose it is possible to define length and power of man's advantage. The more long, the genital at the man accordingly there is more. All it mismatches the validity and is based on old legends. However under the nose form nevertheless it is possible to buy levitra 20mg online define some features of man's sexuality.
For example, at snub-nosed men kind, soft and "easily appeased" character. In an intimate life they, as a rule, are modest, are unartful, but are reliable in family relations.
The man with the Roman nose - is haughty and arrogant. Likes to dominate in bed. Simultaneously with it, it is conservative and is not inclined to any intimate innovations.
The aquiline nose can testify ultram 50mg to a thrift, and even avarice, explosive character and vindictiveness of its owner.
Men to a fleshy nose have "able fingers". They are successful not only in the business undertakings, but also in love. At times they simply forget about family and even intimate duties.
They are lovely, but are indifferent, smiling, but are changeable. In bed they seldom bring deep satisfaction.
The thin, pointed nose speaks about vulnerability and a soul subtlety. Such man is easy for offending, however and to "run" into is venomous-vindictive reaction in the answer. However at an occurring with true love they can appear not only excellent lovers, but also quite good spouses.
The snub nose can belong to intelligent, cheerful men. More often they possess ardent temperament, is frequent even in bed.
The aquiline nose speaks about self-confidence and intolerance to another's opinion of its owner. Nevertheless, as it surprisingly, weight loss phentermine generic quite often seven put "in the head of an angle" the life.
It is not necessary to forget, that on each rule there is a exception. And if you are the owner a nose-pjatochkom, it at all does not mean, that you cannot give odds, for example, to the man with an aquiline nose.

понедельник, 24 ноября 2008 г.

Vegetarians have chance to become impotent men

It appears, all people have a genetic predisposition to certain type of a food. The vegetarianism can individually approach Someone, and to someone - is not present. To define it it is possible independently, "listening" to the organism. If you feel constant bent for to meat, most likely, that with vegetarianism to you not on a way.

To learn about the predilections also it is possible by means of genetic testing. For example, if the person has a predilection to a gout because of a meat food chances of its occurrence are enlarged. And weight loss purchase phentermine online about one person from three hundred in general genetically does not transfer products from cereals (illness is called a Gee's disease). For such vegetarianism - a taboo. Also do not need to take a great interest in it the pregnant women, feeding women and children: for development of a growing organism the fiber, which basic supplier - meat is necessary. It is impossible to refuse from meat and that who goes in for sports: their muscles also require fiber.


+ Transition to vegetarian nutrition in 90-97 % of cases prevents development of cardiovascular diseases since cholesterol and harmful fat acids basically arrive in an organism from albuminous products of buy ultram 50 mg an animal parentage.

+ Vegetarians are ill with a cancer less often. The fat with which their meal is rich, deduces slags and consequently is one of preventive maintenance agents cancer.

+ If the vegetarian refuses not only meat meal, but also from bean, he is ill with illnesses of a metabolism (a gout, the metabolic arthritis, some neuritises) since the starting moment of these problems is urinary acid, nitric bonds and other substances which are in these products less often.


- One vegetative meal it is impossible to compensate all irreplaceable amino acids which are in meat. In vegetarian nutrition there are no 4 important amino acids without which at the person suffer immunity, buy levitra 10mg online muscular system, a skin and hair.

- The cholesterol disadvantage though salvages people from an atherosclerosis, but considerably weakens man's force since man's sexual hormones are formed of this "harmful" Adeps.

- The vegetative nutrition if is exclusively it, changes urine reaction in such a manner that it gets predilection to form stones in kidneys.

суббота, 22 ноября 2008 г.

Six assistants to a prostatitis

Prostatitis - illness which each man is afraid. The major factor leading to development of a prostatitis, is known, likely, all are infections. To this list it is possible to add still something …

Too active sexual life

Here, of course, all depends on luck and your weight loss order phentermine genericonline selectivity in sex contacts, but under the law of the big numbers excessively active sexual life with frequent change of partners anyhow will once lead to hit in an infection organism. And even if you address in time to the doctor and cure venereal disease other infections can get to a prostate and lead to the further development of a prostatitis.

Absence of a sexual life

Even if the first council has made upon you strong impression it does not mean that it is necessary to limit completely itself in sex contacts. The prostate will not estimate long abstention, and against stagnation of a secret the prostatitis can develop.

Excessively frequent excitation

Try to consult with the sex instincts! Excitation which the ejaculation does not follow, is very harmful to a prostate. Also it buy ultram 50mg is not necessary too to tighten a prelude before sex and to interrupt ejaculation process.

Sedentary life

From the house - in the car, from the car - in office armchair, then again in the car and in a favourite armchair in front of the TV. You know, than such pastime extended enough among men threatens for a prostate? And it threatens with stagnation of blood in the field of a small basin - to a prostatitis only it and it is necessary. And even if you time at an o'clock run in the next office or in a smoking-room, you do not reduce risk of development of a prostatitis, for buy levitra vardenafil online that, that one extremity clasps an anus, and another - the basis of a sexual member.

Problems with an intestine

Problems with a chair raise intraabdominal pressure that involves congestive processes in the field of a prostate.


The frigorism weakens immunity and activates infections "dozing" in a prostate. If you the fan to become tempered, use for these purposes an alternating douche.

четверг, 20 ноября 2008 г.

A food at a prostate adenoma

Prostate adenoma, or, in a scientific way, good-quality hyperplasia of a prostate - a piece unpleasant and, unfortunately, too often visiting men at mature age. Treat it variously, depending on gravity of a condition: both medicines, and a scalpel. But, according to doctor-urologist Vladimir Saenko, to buy levitra 10 mg all who has got acquainted with this disease, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules of a food not to aggravate illness and to help its treatment.

For a long time and well-known, that various products possess different action on our organism. Any any fix, any possess diuretic action, ultram tablet and any force a stomach and other organs of digestion to work simply on deterioration.

A food of the patients, suffering prostate diseases, should be spent taking into account many factors. Character of disease, its form and a stage, features of a current, a condition of other organs and systems is thus considered. In each concrete case character of a food is defined by the attending physician. But there are certain general rules most a balanced diet at this disease.

Are resolved:

- Bread wheaten and grey, rather weak tea and coffee, crude fruit and vegetable juice, dogrose broth, milk, kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, a butter and vegetative Adepses, eggs (no more than one in day), vegetarian, vegetable, fruit and milk soups, meat of low-fat grades (beef, veal, a hen, a turkey, a rabbit) in a boiled kind.

Also the natural, boiled both baked vegetables and greens (carrots, a beet, a cauliflower, a potato, green peas, fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, salad, a pumpkin, the vegetable marrows, the boiled down onions, a water-melon, a melon), various groats and the pasta prepared on water and milk in the form of porridges, puddings, cutlets etc. are recommended., different fruit and berries without restriction in a crude and boiled kind, kissels, compotes, jam, honey, dried apricots, a dried apricots, prunes.

Are forbidden:

- Meat, fish and mushroom broths, refractory (mutton, pork, beef) Adepses, the aerated drinks, bean (peas, a string bean, beans, lentil), alcohol, strong tea and coffee, cocoa, chocolate, acute, salty snack and seasonings, internal organs of animals (brains, a liver, kidneys), weight loss order phentermine caviar, a radish, a garden radish, spinach, meat and mushroom canned food, rich flour products.

The nutrition possessing aperient action Is recommended.

These are vegetables (a beet, carrots, cabbage, a pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes), fruit, berries, milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, curdled milk, cream, sour cream), dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, a fig, raisin), honey, vegetative Adepses (sunflower, corn, an olive oil), groats (buckwheat, pearl-barley, millet).

вторник, 18 ноября 2008 г.

Air gassed condition does men fruitless

To this sad conclusion scientists from University of Naples after research about 100 men who as obliges spend time most part on motorways have come. Their indicators of a semen influencing barrenness, to the worst buy levitra cheap differ from indicators of other Italians living in the same district.

To this sad conclusion scientists from University of Naples after research about 100 men who as obliges spend time most part on motorways have come. Their indicators of a semen influencing barrenness, to the worst differ from indicators of other Italians living in the same district.

Level of Testosteron-Depotum and other hormones at surveyed were in norm, but motility of spermatozoons was small, and it strongly influences ability of the man to fertilise an ootid. The quantity of buy cheap ultram effected spermatozoons at «workers of motorways» also has appeared more low, than at other men.

83 % of men which were surveyed by doctors - are married, and only the seven from them has children, the others - are fruitless.

Doctor Michel de the Rose weight loss buy phentermine declares, that results of its researches should disturb the organisations of public health services and force people to devote more agents and bionomics time for a planet.

воскресенье, 16 ноября 2008 г.

How many women are necessary for protection against a prostatitis

There is an opinion, that the a considerable quantity of women the man will possess, the it is less at it probability to be ill with a prostatitis. This statement is true only partly. Long abstention leads to a secret stagnation in a prostate and can provoke an inflammation. But other extreme measure - sex marathons - are useful only to man's vanity.

All sex norms are strictly individual, and weight loss order phentermine generic for someone once a week - a holiday, and someone and three times a day has not enough. However it is not necessary to take a great interest all the same even if forces allow. Age norms for the average man are that: till 25 years - 6-8 times a week, to 50 - 4-5 times, after 50 - 3-5 times, to 55 - 2-3 times, after 55 - are even more rare.

All indicators very relative. Usually in pair the sex rhythm hardly is established more often, than the woman, and hardly wants less often, than the man wants. The individual statistics does not give in to a substantiation. If at the man the strong sexual constitution and he wants 5 times a day, and its wife so is frequent to itself does not admit, at it the congestive prostatitis can quite develop.

Traditionally it is considered, that the prostate inflammation causes mass of problems: the quantity of developed hormones and prostatic juice decreases, and time of hormones is less, means, and an inclination not such as before - the potency suffers. All would be so if it was inevitable.

The statistics shows: among those who complains of sex problems, only at every tenth it is really bound to a prostatitis. And there are more 15 % suffering a prostatitis note at itself sex disorders (which besides purchase ultram are not always bound to this illness). Certainly, the acute prostatitis is capable to beat off any desire at all. But when the acute stage passes, moaning «is impossible because of a prostatitis» is justified by nothing. Most likely, failure has occurred because its man subconsciously waited.

At last, it is necessary to dispel a myth that the prostatitis is not treated. It is treated! Also it is not simply treated, but also completely recovers, including a prostatitis chronic. It is enough to carry out bacteriological or virologic research about detection of infections transferred sexual by, to take on the analysis a secret of a prostate and to spend ultrasonic scanning of a prostate.

After that having accurate idea about a prostate condition, about what infection has caused an inflammation, the doctor prescribes adequate treatment, selecting preparations and their dosage. The victory over an infection means a victory over a prostatitis. The effect comes nearer to 100 %.

Today there is only one kind of a prostatitis which the modern medicine is not capable while to overcome completely is the prostatitis caused by a virus of herpes. But also here it is possible to reach buy levitra on line quite decent quality of a life of the patient for long years. All other theories about a lifelong cross of a prostatitis - a lie.

суббота, 15 ноября 2008 г.

Preventive maintenance of the diseases transferred sexual by, at men after casual communication

Despite general sex formation, many our fellow citizens have casual communications, without condom use. To be infested with the infection contaminations transferred sexual by , is the most easier from the casual sexual partner. These infection contaminations concern, as classical: a syphilis, a gonorrhea, «modern infection contaminations»: chlamydias, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, and also terrible diseases of a HIV and virus hepatitises. About ultram sale with what infestation by these infection contaminations well-known threatens, in our article we will tell about how it is possible to prevent disease development.

What to do, if there was not protected sexual contact?
First, it is necessary to wash as soon as possible with soap generative organs both to descend in a toilet and to urinate.
Thirdly, to pass medicamental preventive maintenance. On this question more in detail we will be intercepted more low.
In the fifth to avoid sexual attitudes with the constant sexual partner before transit of the conforming inspection.

Medicamental preventive maintenance of not protected sexual contact is possible within several days after sexual intercourse. Medicamental preventive maintenance is a treatment which prevents development of many venereal diseases. This method of preventive maintenance is recommended especially in the event that the maximum in two days after not protected sexual contact is found out, that your partner is sick any of these diseases: a gonorrhea, a mycoplasmosis, weight loss order phentermine online a syphilis, a trichomoniasis, an ureaplasmosis, a clamidiosis.

What development of diseases is prevented by medicamental preventive maintenance and what are not present?
Medicamental preventive maintenance will prevent development of such illnesses, as a gonorrhea, a clamidiosis, an ureaplasmosis, a mycoplasmosis. But remember, that medicines which will salvage the person from genital herpes, and some other diseases for the present are not invented. Medicamental preventive maintenance does not prevent as well development of virus diseases - a HIV and virus hepatitises.

In what medicamental preventive maintenance consists?
Medicamental preventive maintenance of the diseases transferred sexual by, represents introduction of preparations (antibiotics) to which the microbes invoking the above described diseases are sensitive.

Whether medicamental preventive maintenance is harmful to health?
The majority of preparations which will prescribe for preventive maintenance of diseases transferred sexual by, are prescribed unitary - them accept or do a nyxis unitary. It, certainly, reduces risk buy levitra no prescription of development of by-effects, such as a dysbacteriosis.

Efficacyy of medicamental preventive maintenance?
Medicamental preventive maintenance is effective concerning acyanotic mycoplasmas, trichomonads, an ureaplasma, chlamydias.

пятница, 14 ноября 2008 г.

How in time to notice a prostatitis

The first exhibiting of a prostatitis probably as the acute inflammatory disease accompanied by fever, temperature 38-39°С, acute pains in a perineum, an inguen, behind a pubis, anus ranges, an urodynia and a defecation.

However much more often the prostatitis educes in the chronic form, not disturbing the man too strongly. In this case all symptoms listed just will be present at much smaller degree, sometimes at all not drawing to themselves attention. The body temperature occasionally raises to 37°С, pains or unpleasant sensations in the perineums, unpleasant sensations buy phentermine online generic periodically become perceptible at an emiction and at a defecation during which time insignificant abjections from an urethra - one of the most typical symptoms of a chronic prostatitis can become perceptible. Often the prostatitis educes as complication of the chronic infectious disease transferred sexual by - a clamidiosis, an ureaplasmosis or another.

After a while diseases by a prostatitis, as a rule, at the man appear problems with an erection. It is bound to involving in inflammatory process of the nerves responsible for erectile function which pass through a prostate gland. The chronic prostatitis rather negatively affects overall health of the man, doing by own state of health its extremely irritable, grumbling, dissatisfied and anxious only. Often it shows so brightly, that doctors say, Cheap Herbal Phentermine that for successful treatment of a prostatitis it is necessary to be not only the good urologist, but also the psychologist.

If the patient tries to "endure" symptoms of an acute prostatitis development of an abscess of a prostate gland - a focal purulent inflammation is rather probable. In this case the body temperature raises to 39-40°С strong fever periodically replaces a sharp fever, from strong pains in a perineum the emiction is complicated, and the defecation sometimes in general is impossible. The edema of a prostate gland and, as its consequence, an acute delay of an emiction after a while educes. Certainly, seldom who leads up itself to such state, usually sick of an acute prostatitis address to the urologist in due time.

Other picture of a chronic prostatitis when illness shows incidentally, therefore many men prefer to sit out at home, rather than to address to the doctor. It in a root irregular as during each exacerbation inflammatory process has property to extend. If the urinary system is affected, it will lead to cystitis and pyelonephritis development. More often prostatitis complications are a vesiculitis - an inflammation of seed blisters, and their buy levitra cheap appendages. A final analysis of the inattentive attitude to the health - barrenness, if and giving in to treatment, to the extremely long. All described concerns and the chronic prostatitis which has educed as a result of diseases, indulging sexual by

четверг, 13 ноября 2008 г.

Sex is useful to health

Scientists do not cease to surprise the world, proving, that sex brings not only pleasure, but also serves as order cheap phentermine panacea from many problems with health
For example, it is established, that sex one or two once a week leads to that the organism starts to develop an immunoglobulin And on 29 % more. The given kind of an immunoglobulin plays the major role in struggle against virus infections, being responsible for the general immunity.

However sex more often four order cheap ultram online times a week leads to a boomerang effect - immunoglobulin level starts to decrease.

Professor Verner Habermel from Institute of sexology of Hamburg says, that the intimate affinity perfectly treats a headache because during time of "the regular intercourses" in an organism hormones adrenaline and Cortisonum which is speeding up work of a brain are allocated: "Sex stimulates attention and ability to a concentration that raises our creative abilities".

Besides struggle against migraines, sex helps to burn superfluous Adeps in an organism, stabilises work of heart and other vital organs. At those who suffers from cardiovascular diseases, sex reduces probability of a myocardial infarction.

So it is possible to ascertain, that on refusal in sex with the reference, for example, on a headache, always it is buy levitra vardenafil possible to suggest to take advantage of itself as a natural and absolutely harmless medicinal preparation. Besides, absolutely free.

среда, 12 ноября 2008 г.

How to keep genesial health of the boy?

Boys should be mobile, inquisitive, active. If the child flaccid, sets few questions, is interested in world around, it can be carried both to features of character, and to problems in puberty.

When the boy lags behind in growth, and cheap vpxl hereditary preconditions for this purpose are not present, probably, at the child the so-called hormonal mirror is displaced, there is an insufficient development of sexual buy ultram online hormones, first of all Testosteron-Depotum. It is the main man's sexual hormone which plays the important role in an organism of the man, influences mood, working capacity, a dream, sexual activity, and the most important thing - on man's motivation. In such situation parents should pay attention to how external genitals develop, the muscles, a skeleton, whether corresponds it to age norm.

As to teenagers - pay attention to development Weight Loss Phentermine of secondary sexual signs: growth, weight, a pilosis, change of the sizes of genitals (especially testicles). If there are doubts, it is better to visit the expert.

вторник, 11 ноября 2008 г.

Bicycle or sex?

Experts have analysed urological problems which arise at men-bicyclists after falling from a bicycle or as a result of strong blows of area of a perineum.
Driving on a bicycle can cause difficulties of the sex plan, including a problem with an erection - to such conclusion authors of the research presented today on the national congress Italian of the buy phentermine generic society, passing in Ancona have come.
The scientists who were taking part in the congress, have analysed the urological problems bound to falling and strong blows in the field of a perineum at men, which - for rest or as sportsmen - go by a bicycle.
"Strong blow can cause in the man rupture of a cavernous artery with the subsequent hemorrhage in a cavernous body of a sexual ultram cheap member", - doctor Aldo Franko De Roze, the urologist naming such case "a priapism with good blood supply" has explained.
Such disturbance, researchers continue, causes a long painful erection which usually comes to an end with visit to the doctor - after some time in hope, that all will pass by itself.
In the report presented on the congress also speaks, that the fine traumas caused by a bicycle saddle, can lead to erectile dysfunction which at times remains throughout several weeks: it is observed at some professional bicycle racers after long competitions.
In this context scientists have analysed cases of two adult men, suffering this form of the priapism caused "strong blow on a penis the bicycle frame which is between a saddle and a wheel", and also a case of the 12-year-old boy who has transferred similar blow.
Symptoms of a priapism at two patients were showed in two days after blow, at the third - the problem has arisen in some hours.
Professor De to the Rose has underlined in interview to the Italian agency AGI that it is necessary "to reconsider a question buy vpxl preparation on safety of a bicycle", and has noticed, that "for a long time already at bicyclists such disturbances, as an urethritis, a prostatitis, a hematuria, a torsion of testicles and insufficient sensitivity of a penis" are observed.
He also has noticed, that the bicycle "is considered a risk factor at erectile dysfunction".