понедельник, 26 января 2009 г.

The menu for long-livers

The list of the products promoting a rejuvenation of an organism, scientists of universities of the USA and the European Union have compounded. The list is based on results of researches of cells need pyridium online of a human body. About it 5 canal reports.
The youth Menu included powerful antioxidants - black chocolate, tea and coffee. They are rich with Polyphenolums which recover the amazed cells. Also to the list of products have got: apples, a black currant, a bilberry, a broccoli, a merry, tomatoes, oranges and bread with bran. After the buy lincocin spent researches scientists underline: meat, fish, milk and cereals give to an organism nutrient elements. In turn, vegetables and fruit have biochemical components which prolong life.
Let's remind, earlier intercommunicated, that the regular use of apples promotes prolongation of term of human life, and also an generic hydrochlorothiazide online organism rejuvenation, the British scientists from Institute of researches of nutrition of the city of Norich confirm. Also earlier the bunch of the American scientists has received that proof, that cocoa legumes enrich a blood stream in a brain and promotes ideational activity.

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