пятница, 30 января 2009 г.

Harmless cigarettes will appear on the Japanese counters

The group of the Japanese experts has opened the mechanism of accumulation of nicotine in tobacco leaves, it can open a way why order pyridium online to creation concerning harmless cigarettes.
Professor Kadzufumi Jadzaki who has published results of the researches has informed on it. He writes, that nicotine is made in roots cheap generic hydrochlorothiazide 25mg of tobacco and together with water rises to its leaves. There it is picked up by special fiber which promotes accumulation of this substance in cells.
Professor Jadzaki believes, that the intervention in this process at genetic level will give the chance to frame tobacco without nicotine which to the taste will not differ from the usual.
It is not excluded also, that in the foreseeable cheap Noroxin online future there will be a possibility to grow up a plant with in advance set properties and necessary organic additives.

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