среда, 28 января 2009 г.

Aspirin salvages a liver

The mors from acute hepatic insufficiency at paracetamol overdosage can prevent usual aspirin. Jelsky scientists have found out details of murder of a liver paracetamol, and it has appeared, that aspirin easily blocks two main roads conducting to refusal of an organ. Be useful it can and at other damages of a liver.
At least five thousand years derivatives of Acidum acetylsalicylicum once extracted from willow trees, help mankind to cope with a headache and inflammation implications. Most popular of these agents, help pyridium online certainly, aspirin which 40 thousand tons "are annually swallowed" by mankind.
With development of immunology interest to Acidum acetylsalicylicum has not died away, even on the contrary - began possible to explain mechanisms and effects of influence of aspirin on an inflammation and other processes demanding participation of alarm molecules. It, in turn, has essentially dilated the objective list of indications to application.
Probably, in the near future in it various inflammatory lesions of a liver, whether it be a hepatitis or an overdosage of medical products will get also.
The matter is that toxic lesions of a liver usually have the dual nature. On the one hand is an immediate pernicious action of poisons, for example, alcohol or products of an exchange of medical products on hepatocytes, a liver cell. With another - as avalanche developing at destruction of hepatocytes an inflammation.
Even at an insignificant overdosage of the same paracetamol own immune system is guilty of  destruction at least half of cells. If the centre small the liver can be restored completely independently, average sizes - not to do without any more fibrous "cicatrix", and consequently - a cirrhosis, structure and function disturbance.
The third variant -  destruction from acute hepatic insufficiency is not excluded also. And the most widespread reason of such order generic hydrochlorothiazide 25mg  destruction in the developed countries is paracetamol overdosage.
Unfortunately, other organs to help a liver during this moment not with a condition, after all through it all blood going from a gastroenteric tract "is filtered", and here there is a neutralisation of poisons and medical products.
As primary damage - toxic the cells of immune system which are carrying out including "smoothing out" function and consequently, in intercellular space the "dust" considerable quantity - fragments of the blasted cells collects do not take part in it. Its part is rather safe, and here DNA as it was found out, plays rather unpleasant role which in any way has been not bound to transfer of the genetic information.
DNA chains - an excellent target for natural protective systems of an organism, therefore at the majority of cells are so-called Toll-like receptors 2, 4 and 9 types reacting to presence by bacteriemic or virus DNA. Unfortunately, own DNA of mammals too is capable to start protective reaction even in absence of infectious agents.
And do it not specialised cells of immune system, and the endotheliocytes covering hepatic microvessels which, apparently, should delimit other cells of a liver from adverse factors. Formed alarm substances cytokines "program" a part of hepatocytes on  destruction, an apoptosis, and start an inflammation with all following consequences - an edema and rasping disturbances of structure and functions.
It would seem, paracetamol concerning nonsteroid resolvents, should block this inflammation, but it works mainly in the central nervous system, in other organism its effect is usually blocked. It absence at it such by-effects, as bleedings, borings and even ulcerations mucous a stomach, characteristic for antiinflammatory preparations, whether it be tablets or the ointments breaking secretion of "protective" slime speaks.
Aspirin is capable to stop this cascade at the very first stage - stages of activation of endotheliocytes, preventing inflammation development.
And though authors of the publication in Journal of Clinical Investigation while were limited to demonstration on mice of mechanisms developing at destruction of hepatic cells of an inflammation, pharmacology experience allows to draw much more far-reaching conclusions.
First, the found out mechanism can appear buy cheap bactrim fair not only for paracetamol overdosage, but also for any others toxic or even infectious damages of a liver. Secondly, though while anybody aspirin did not give to mice, scientists do not doubt, that it will help.
It does not mean all, that now it is necessary to wash down each tablet of paracetamol with one more of aspirin.

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