The group of the Japanese experts has opened the mechanism of accumulation of nicotine in tobacco leaves, it can open a way why order pyridium online to creation concerning harmless cigarettes.
Professor Kadzufumi Jadzaki who has published results of the researches has informed on it. He writes, that nicotine is made in roots cheap generic hydrochlorothiazide 25mg of tobacco and together with water rises to its leaves. There it is picked up by special fiber which promotes accumulation of this substance in cells.
Professor Jadzaki believes, that the intervention in this process at genetic level will give the chance to frame tobacco without nicotine which to the taste will not differ from the usual.
It is not excluded also, that in the foreseeable cheap Noroxin online future there will be a possibility to grow up a plant with in advance set properties and necessary organic additives.
пятница, 30 января 2009 г.
среда, 28 января 2009 г.
Aspirin salvages a liver
The mors from acute hepatic insufficiency at paracetamol overdosage can prevent usual aspirin. Jelsky scientists have found out details of murder of a liver paracetamol, and it has appeared, that aspirin easily blocks two main roads conducting to refusal of an organ. Be useful it can and at other damages of a liver.
At least five thousand years derivatives of Acidum acetylsalicylicum once extracted from willow trees, help mankind to cope with a headache and inflammation implications. Most popular of these agents, help pyridium online certainly, aspirin which 40 thousand tons "are annually swallowed" by mankind.
With development of immunology interest to Acidum acetylsalicylicum has not died away, even on the contrary - began possible to explain mechanisms and effects of influence of aspirin on an inflammation and other processes demanding participation of alarm molecules. It, in turn, has essentially dilated the objective list of indications to application.
Probably, in the near future in it various inflammatory lesions of a liver, whether it be a hepatitis or an overdosage of medical products will get also.
The matter is that toxic lesions of a liver usually have the dual nature. On the one hand is an immediate pernicious action of poisons, for example, alcohol or products of an exchange of medical products on hepatocytes, a liver cell. With another - as avalanche developing at destruction of hepatocytes an inflammation.
Even at an insignificant overdosage of the same paracetamol own immune system is guilty of destruction at least half of cells. If the centre small the liver can be restored completely independently, average sizes - not to do without any more fibrous "cicatrix", and consequently - a cirrhosis, structure and function disturbance.
The third variant - destruction from acute hepatic insufficiency is not excluded also. And the most widespread reason of such order generic hydrochlorothiazide 25mg destruction in the developed countries is paracetamol overdosage.
Unfortunately, other organs to help a liver during this moment not with a condition, after all through it all blood going from a gastroenteric tract "is filtered", and here there is a neutralisation of poisons and medical products.
As primary damage - toxic the cells of immune system which are carrying out including "smoothing out" function and consequently, in intercellular space the "dust" considerable quantity - fragments of the blasted cells collects do not take part in it. Its part is rather safe, and here DNA as it was found out, plays rather unpleasant role which in any way has been not bound to transfer of the genetic information.
DNA chains - an excellent target for natural protective systems of an organism, therefore at the majority of cells are so-called Toll-like receptors 2, 4 and 9 types reacting to presence by bacteriemic or virus DNA. Unfortunately, own DNA of mammals too is capable to start protective reaction even in absence of infectious agents.
And do it not specialised cells of immune system, and the endotheliocytes covering hepatic microvessels which, apparently, should delimit other cells of a liver from adverse factors. Formed alarm substances cytokines "program" a part of hepatocytes on destruction, an apoptosis, and start an inflammation with all following consequences - an edema and rasping disturbances of structure and functions.
It would seem, paracetamol concerning nonsteroid resolvents, should block this inflammation, but it works mainly in the central nervous system, in other organism its effect is usually blocked. It absence at it such by-effects, as bleedings, borings and even ulcerations mucous a stomach, characteristic for antiinflammatory preparations, whether it be tablets or the ointments breaking secretion of "protective" slime speaks.
Aspirin is capable to stop this cascade at the very first stage - stages of activation of endotheliocytes, preventing inflammation development.
And though authors of the publication in Journal of Clinical Investigation while were limited to demonstration on mice of mechanisms developing at destruction of hepatic cells of an inflammation, pharmacology experience allows to draw much more far-reaching conclusions.
First, the found out mechanism can appear buy cheap bactrim fair not only for paracetamol overdosage, but also for any others toxic or even infectious damages of a liver. Secondly, though while anybody aspirin did not give to mice, scientists do not doubt, that it will help.
It does not mean all, that now it is necessary to wash down each tablet of paracetamol with one more of aspirin.
At least five thousand years derivatives of Acidum acetylsalicylicum once extracted from willow trees, help mankind to cope with a headache and inflammation implications. Most popular of these agents, help pyridium online certainly, aspirin which 40 thousand tons "are annually swallowed" by mankind.
With development of immunology interest to Acidum acetylsalicylicum has not died away, even on the contrary - began possible to explain mechanisms and effects of influence of aspirin on an inflammation and other processes demanding participation of alarm molecules. It, in turn, has essentially dilated the objective list of indications to application.
Probably, in the near future in it various inflammatory lesions of a liver, whether it be a hepatitis or an overdosage of medical products will get also.
The matter is that toxic lesions of a liver usually have the dual nature. On the one hand is an immediate pernicious action of poisons, for example, alcohol or products of an exchange of medical products on hepatocytes, a liver cell. With another - as avalanche developing at destruction of hepatocytes an inflammation.
Even at an insignificant overdosage of the same paracetamol own immune system is guilty of destruction at least half of cells. If the centre small the liver can be restored completely independently, average sizes - not to do without any more fibrous "cicatrix", and consequently - a cirrhosis, structure and function disturbance.
The third variant - destruction from acute hepatic insufficiency is not excluded also. And the most widespread reason of such order generic hydrochlorothiazide 25mg destruction in the developed countries is paracetamol overdosage.
Unfortunately, other organs to help a liver during this moment not with a condition, after all through it all blood going from a gastroenteric tract "is filtered", and here there is a neutralisation of poisons and medical products.
As primary damage - toxic the cells of immune system which are carrying out including "smoothing out" function and consequently, in intercellular space the "dust" considerable quantity - fragments of the blasted cells collects do not take part in it. Its part is rather safe, and here DNA as it was found out, plays rather unpleasant role which in any way has been not bound to transfer of the genetic information.
DNA chains - an excellent target for natural protective systems of an organism, therefore at the majority of cells are so-called Toll-like receptors 2, 4 and 9 types reacting to presence by bacteriemic or virus DNA. Unfortunately, own DNA of mammals too is capable to start protective reaction even in absence of infectious agents.
And do it not specialised cells of immune system, and the endotheliocytes covering hepatic microvessels which, apparently, should delimit other cells of a liver from adverse factors. Formed alarm substances cytokines "program" a part of hepatocytes on destruction, an apoptosis, and start an inflammation with all following consequences - an edema and rasping disturbances of structure and functions.
It would seem, paracetamol concerning nonsteroid resolvents, should block this inflammation, but it works mainly in the central nervous system, in other organism its effect is usually blocked. It absence at it such by-effects, as bleedings, borings and even ulcerations mucous a stomach, characteristic for antiinflammatory preparations, whether it be tablets or the ointments breaking secretion of "protective" slime speaks.
Aspirin is capable to stop this cascade at the very first stage - stages of activation of endotheliocytes, preventing inflammation development.
And though authors of the publication in Journal of Clinical Investigation while were limited to demonstration on mice of mechanisms developing at destruction of hepatic cells of an inflammation, pharmacology experience allows to draw much more far-reaching conclusions.
First, the found out mechanism can appear buy cheap bactrim fair not only for paracetamol overdosage, but also for any others toxic or even infectious damages of a liver. Secondly, though while anybody aspirin did not give to mice, scientists do not doubt, that it will help.
It does not mean all, that now it is necessary to wash down each tablet of paracetamol with one more of aspirin.
вторник, 27 января 2009 г.
Meat and milk of the cloned animals
Experts of the Japanese government have come to conclusion, that meat of the cloned cows and pigs is completely suitable to the use in nutrition and can arrive in wide sale. About it it is spoken in the report shop pyridium online of working group of the Commission on food safety at the cabinet which is stated today by the Tokyo newspapers.
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Conclusions of experts as it is informed, will be once again studied and will lay down in a basis of official references for Ministry of Health, work and well-being. Then it should make the definitive decision on input in sale of the cloned beef and pork. Despite opinion of the governmental experts, in Japan a number of the influential consumer organisations opposes puttings off of an interdiction for trade in such meat. They refer that the considerable quantity of calfs and the pigs received by cloning from somatic cells is unusual, die at a birth or soon after it.
However experts of the Commission of food safety on the basis of studying of a considerable quantity of scientific materials buy generic hydrochlorothiazide 25mg online reject similar pavors. They also assert, that milk of the cloned cows differs nothing on the qualities from the usual.
Exactly one year ago US authorities cheap cleocin officially declared, that meat and milk of the cloned animals safely and is completely suitable to the use in nutrition. The American manufacturers do not hide the intention to begin export of such products to Japan, that, actually, and has forced Tokyo to begin studying of this question.
понедельник, 26 января 2009 г.
The menu for long-livers
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The youth Menu included powerful antioxidants - black chocolate, tea and coffee. They are rich with Polyphenolums which recover the amazed cells. Also to the list of products have got: apples, a black currant, a bilberry, a broccoli, a merry, tomatoes, oranges and bread with bran. After the buy lincocin spent researches scientists underline: meat, fish, milk and cereals give to an organism nutrient elements. In turn, vegetables and fruit have biochemical components which prolong life.
Let's remind, earlier intercommunicated, that the regular use of apples promotes prolongation of term of human life, and also an generic hydrochlorothiazide online organism rejuvenation, the British scientists from Institute of researches of nutrition of the city of Norich confirm. Also earlier the bunch of the American scientists has received that proof, that cocoa legumes enrich a blood stream in a brain and promotes ideational activity.
The youth Menu included powerful antioxidants - black chocolate, tea and coffee. They are rich with Polyphenolums which recover the amazed cells. Also to the list of products have got: apples, a black currant, a bilberry, a broccoli, a merry, tomatoes, oranges and bread with bran. After the buy lincocin spent researches scientists underline: meat, fish, milk and cereals give to an organism nutrient elements. In turn, vegetables and fruit have biochemical components which prolong life.
Let's remind, earlier intercommunicated, that the regular use of apples promotes prolongation of term of human life, and also an generic hydrochlorothiazide online organism rejuvenation, the British scientists from Institute of researches of nutrition of the city of Norich confirm. Also earlier the bunch of the American scientists has received that proof, that cocoa legumes enrich a blood stream in a brain and promotes ideational activity.
суббота, 24 января 2009 г.
The mankind still is afraid of a plague
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Now the CART informs about 1000-3000 cases of a plague among people in a year. The plague still remains эндемичным disease (present at need pyridium online population constantly, however causing rather low case rate) in many countries of Africa, Central and parts of the North America, and also some countries of Asia.
The greatest scope of epidemic of a plague have got in the Middle Ages. The most killing epidemic was observed in Europe in XIV century, having destroyed approximately 1/3 all the European population. A plague alcohol levitra immediate cause is pathogenic microorganism Yersinia pestis. Initially in the nature the plague meets at wild animals, and a carrier of microbes from animals to the person are fleas. Plague originators circulate in animal populations, not rendering some appreciable influence on them, however by transfer to the person capable to cause general epidemics. Thus, to eradicate a plague theoretically probably only under condition of utter annihilation of all animals who are the tank for microorganisms-originators.
Now the CART informs about 1000-3000 cases of a plague among people in a year. The plague still remains эндемичным disease (present at need pyridium online population constantly, however causing rather low case rate) in many countries of Africa, Central and parts of the North America, and also some countries of Asia.
понедельник, 19 января 2009 г.
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To panic and give up as a bad job the sex life it is not necessary. Scientists have proved: reduction of a member at mature age is bound exclusively to excess weight. The first council of doctors - to grow thin. And the penis generic hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg again will grow, as a mushroom after a rain, reports MIGnews.
The member in the course of time does not decrease and does not dry out. According to one of authors of research - professors Andrey Karpova, - man's advantage is involved in a fatty tissue. "We put such patients on a couch levitra lowest price and we force to involve a gaste. All appears as on magic wand wave, - tells Carps. - and, of course, our first reference - to grow thin". Having dumped superfluous 10-15 kgs, Karpov's patients with surprise notice, that the penis has added three in length of centimetre.
пятница, 16 января 2009 г.
The weight will not salvage from warm problemst
Even if your weight is in limens of norm or you have all some superfluous kgs, in the conditions of absence of physical activity heart can suffer from diseases, including a heart failure. If you are engaged in charging or gymnastics of a few time, but is regular, such practice on the contrary order buy pyridium allows to lower probability of warm problems, doctors of Female hospital assure of Boston and National institute of heart, lungs and blood/SSHA/. Within two decades experts observed of health more than 21 thousand persons, supervising influence of excess weight and levels of physical activity on development of warm disturbances.
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Adiposity is characterised by an index of mass of a cheap levitra 10mg body from 30 and more. Physicians have concentrated on at whom the index fluctuated within admissible value, that is at the people who do not have adiposity. It has been fixed, that participants of the review, going in for sports one-three time in a month, had 18 percent reduction of risk of a heart failure, and 5-7 times a week - 36 percent reduction. However at people with normal weight which very seldom or never were engaged in physical exercises, shortage of a cheap phentermine mastercard circulation to heart, a high pressure and a warm arrhythmia, and also initial stages of diabetes more often has been found. Cardiologists underline importance of physical activity for maintenance of the general health and, in particular, for high-grade protection of warm functions.
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пятница, 9 января 2009 г.
Tablets from smoking enter the Russian market.
The tablets, designed for treatment of nicotinic dependence, will appear in the Russian drugstores since February, 1st. It declared today one of the largest pharmaceutical companies Pfajzer/Pfizer/. Have here too reported, efficacyy of a new prescription preparation is proved clinically and confirmed by experience of 9 million persons in the USA and Europe on line phentermine where tablets from smoking have appeared in 2006 and have instantly won popularity.
It is expected, that in Russia «tablets from smoking» will be claimed not less, than all over the world. According to researches more than half of Russian smokers - and it about 42 million persons - wish to refuse a bad habit. However, it agree to the statistican of the collected World organisation of public health services, without assistance 5 % of smokers there are less year is possible levitra to hold on without a cigarette. Therefore except the main condition - firm desire to stop to smoke, for success bolstering preparations are necessary still.
The author of a tablet from smoking is Jotem Koy, the clinical chemist, the scientific employee of the Center of neurobiology, abjointing of clinical biological chemistry of company Pfizer. In 2007 the scientist and its invention have received the award «Galen», often named the Nobel Prize in sphere buy online pyridium of medical researches. It not the first serious work of the scientist. In the Center of neurobiology Koy has worked 13 years over approaches to treatment of depression, schizophrenia, dependence and a syndrome of deficiency of attention with hyperactivity. Koy 25 patents in oncology and neurobiology sphere belong.
It is expected, that in Russia «tablets from smoking» will be claimed not less, than all over the world. According to researches more than half of Russian smokers - and it about 42 million persons - wish to refuse a bad habit. However, it agree to the statistican of the collected World organisation of public health services, without assistance 5 % of smokers there are less year is possible levitra to hold on without a cigarette. Therefore except the main condition - firm desire to stop to smoke, for success bolstering preparations are necessary still.
The author of a tablet from smoking is Jotem Koy, the clinical chemist, the scientific employee of the Center of neurobiology, abjointing of clinical biological chemistry of company Pfizer. In 2007 the scientist and its invention have received the award «Galen», often named the Nobel Prize in sphere buy online pyridium of medical researches. It not the first serious work of the scientist. In the Center of neurobiology Koy has worked 13 years over approaches to treatment of depression, schizophrenia, dependence and a syndrome of deficiency of attention with hyperactivity. Koy 25 patents in oncology and neurobiology sphere belong.
general health,
health news,
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вторник, 6 января 2009 г.
Harm from heroin cancelled
The Israeli scientists could recover a brain damaged by the use of heroin. Introduction of the excitatory founder cells in a hippocampus has returned frame and function of a member to the little mice born by mothers placed on a narcotic. Thus the basic work was executed by""aboriginal"cells which transplantation has for some reason induced more awakely to share.
Any dependence, whether it be gamblings, narcotics, alcohol or cigarettes, will affect sooner or later and on health. Joseph Janaj levitra mastercard and Tamir ben-Hur from the Jewish university in Jerusalem have found a mean to recover the excitatory system damaged by heroin which has got from the mother, transplantation of the excitatory founder cells.
In a role of "useless mothers» the pregnant mice receiving a narcotic within week before sorts have acted.
The excitatory tissue of a foetus is stronger than others business not only in a larger sensibility to poisons suffers from bad habits of parents, and. Unlike other members. In spinal and a brain much more complex structural organisation, and even the slightest disturbance often leads to serious consequences.
Though brain work is not for a long time already for scientists and doctors secret behind seven seals, to treat congenital anomalies not too simply. Even at a notorious Alzheimer's disease for medicines there is a target - the amyloid plaques formed along pots. In a case with consequences «unfavorablely and roughly proceeding pregnancy» various defects are disseminated on all volume of a brain.
Not surprisingly, as and colleagues have chosen decision Janaj corresponding - transplantation of founder cells. Mechanisms of action of this method of treatment, as well as mechanisms of development of phentermine mastercard various defects of a brain, up to the end are not clear, and here the result both there, and there is available.
Doubting negative effect of narcotics on a foetus brain it is necessary to look at results of previous Janaj 's work where buy pyridium online now rather small doses of a narcotic have led to authentic damage of the hippocampus participating in formation of emotions and memory. Formation of new cells in its dentate gyrus has been lowered on 39 %, and born cubs are much worse than the colleagues coped with a traditional labyrinth.
Any dependence, whether it be gamblings, narcotics, alcohol or cigarettes, will affect sooner or later and on health. Joseph Janaj levitra mastercard and Tamir ben-Hur from the Jewish university in Jerusalem have found a mean to recover the excitatory system damaged by heroin which has got from the mother, transplantation of the excitatory founder cells.
In a role of "useless mothers» the pregnant mice receiving a narcotic within week before sorts have acted.
The excitatory tissue of a foetus is stronger than others business not only in a larger sensibility to poisons suffers from bad habits of parents, and. Unlike other members. In spinal and a brain much more complex structural organisation, and even the slightest disturbance often leads to serious consequences.
Though brain work is not for a long time already for scientists and doctors secret behind seven seals, to treat congenital anomalies not too simply. Even at a notorious Alzheimer's disease for medicines there is a target - the amyloid plaques formed along pots. In a case with consequences «unfavorablely and roughly proceeding pregnancy» various defects are disseminated on all volume of a brain.
Not surprisingly, as and colleagues have chosen decision Janaj corresponding - transplantation of founder cells. Mechanisms of action of this method of treatment, as well as mechanisms of development of phentermine mastercard various defects of a brain, up to the end are not clear, and here the result both there, and there is available.
Doubting negative effect of narcotics on a foetus brain it is necessary to look at results of previous Janaj 's work where buy pyridium online now rather small doses of a narcotic have led to authentic damage of the hippocampus participating in formation of emotions and memory. Formation of new cells in its dentate gyrus has been lowered on 39 %, and born cubs are much worse than the colleagues coped with a traditional labyrinth.
понедельник, 5 января 2009 г.
The gluttony on a New Year's vacation can lead to diabetes
Traditional New Year's dishes and binge can fairly enlarge risk of development of diabetes of the second phylum. The British scientists have told, for whom this risk is especially high.
Tables which burst with high-caloric snack - a problem not only domestic. All over the world during a so-called Christmas vacation the citizens who have seized upon "rest" in tons absorb delicacies which within a year were inaccessible under the price, to possibilities or time, or are simply forbidden by doctors. Therefore British public organisation Diabetes UK cheap levitra mastercard shows serious concern in that a Christmas vacation has already begun. Also has begun they traditionally - with a gluttony.
For example, small pies with meat contain on 200 calories. And a slice of a Christmas pie (a gingerbread with nuts and candied fruits) or a mulled wine glass - 250 calories. Certainly, towards the end of holidays of a girdle at British are clasped hardly.
However, explain the doctor, absence of a waist almost in eleven times leads to development of diabetes of the second phylum is more often. In general, fatness and even a weight exit for norm limens - the strongest risk factors of appearance of diabetes
As representatives Diabetes UK speak, to confine themselves in a New Year's eve it is necessary already to those ladies at whom the volume of a waist has fallen outside the limits 80 centimetres, and also their gentlemen with similar parametre have more than 94 centimetres. Thus the risk is enlarged, if Adeps is postponed and in other places. Especially for those who has more than 40 years who has Asian ancestors and family history of diabetes of the second phylum.
However, by results of recently carried out research it was found out, that full people quite often flatter themselves, sincerely considering, that they are much more harmonous, than is actually. When 500 full British have asked to estimate the dimension of their waist, it has appeared, that participants of research have lowered to themselves on the average 7 centimetres. Their representations about the waist dispersed from a reality almost on 8 centimetres.
Sugar epidemy
According to doctors, diffusion of diabetes of the second phylum all over the world accepts epidemy dimensions. Only in the Great Britain it is already diagnosed 2,5 million cases of this disease which, by the way, leads to heart diseases, to a stroke, abandoning of nephroses, phentermine pharmacy blindness and even ablations of extremities.
Thus doctors are reached far not by all who is sick. On assessments of experts, among inhabitants of the same Foggy Albion more than 500 thousand yet do not know, that are hardly sick.
However, to lower risk of development of pyridium online an artful diabetes simply enough. Doctors say what enough to watch weight, is the balanced nutrition and to move more.
On the statistican, even the moderate exercise stress reduces risk of development of diabetes of the second phylum on 64 %. And if the person thus also grows thin all for 5-10 % the probability to be ill drops more than half.
Therefore the British doctors once again remind, that «a Christmas gluttony» - not the best mean to have holidays.
Tables which burst with high-caloric snack - a problem not only domestic. All over the world during a so-called Christmas vacation the citizens who have seized upon "rest" in tons absorb delicacies which within a year were inaccessible under the price, to possibilities or time, or are simply forbidden by doctors. Therefore British public organisation Diabetes UK cheap levitra mastercard shows serious concern in that a Christmas vacation has already begun. Also has begun they traditionally - with a gluttony.
For example, small pies with meat contain on 200 calories. And a slice of a Christmas pie (a gingerbread with nuts and candied fruits) or a mulled wine glass - 250 calories. Certainly, towards the end of holidays of a girdle at British are clasped hardly.
However, explain the doctor, absence of a waist almost in eleven times leads to development of diabetes of the second phylum is more often. In general, fatness and even a weight exit for norm limens - the strongest risk factors of appearance of diabetes
As representatives Diabetes UK speak, to confine themselves in a New Year's eve it is necessary already to those ladies at whom the volume of a waist has fallen outside the limits 80 centimetres, and also their gentlemen with similar parametre have more than 94 centimetres. Thus the risk is enlarged, if Adeps is postponed and in other places. Especially for those who has more than 40 years who has Asian ancestors and family history of diabetes of the second phylum.
However, by results of recently carried out research it was found out, that full people quite often flatter themselves, sincerely considering, that they are much more harmonous, than is actually. When 500 full British have asked to estimate the dimension of their waist, it has appeared, that participants of research have lowered to themselves on the average 7 centimetres. Their representations about the waist dispersed from a reality almost on 8 centimetres.
Sugar epidemy
According to doctors, diffusion of diabetes of the second phylum all over the world accepts epidemy dimensions. Only in the Great Britain it is already diagnosed 2,5 million cases of this disease which, by the way, leads to heart diseases, to a stroke, abandoning of nephroses, phentermine pharmacy blindness and even ablations of extremities.
Thus doctors are reached far not by all who is sick. On assessments of experts, among inhabitants of the same Foggy Albion more than 500 thousand yet do not know, that are hardly sick.
However, to lower risk of development of pyridium online an artful diabetes simply enough. Doctors say what enough to watch weight, is the balanced nutrition and to move more.
On the statistican, even the moderate exercise stress reduces risk of development of diabetes of the second phylum on 64 %. And if the person thus also grows thin all for 5-10 % the probability to be ill drops more than half.
Therefore the British doctors once again remind, that «a Christmas gluttony» - not the best mean to have holidays.
general health,
health news,
men's health,
weight loss
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