четверг, 25 декабря 2008 г.

The originator of an abortion can become... A vacuum cleaner

According to results of researches of the American scientists, habitual electrical household appliances - phenes, vacuum cleaners - can become the abortion cause. During research to one thousand pregnant women (all of them were on 10th week of pregnancy) have suggested to wear within day on a waist the device measuring intensity of an electromagnetic field.
It has appeared, that for those women who were exposed to influence of an electromagnetic field by intensity 1,6 microTesla and above, the probability of an abortion almost doubles. Thus 622 from participants of experiment have reported, that day was gave away the most usual, ordinary, i.e. anybody specially did not embrace electrodevices.
Even at the account more than Order Minocin 30 other risk factors of an abortion communication between influence of electromagnetic fields and probability of an abortion remains. Scientists in the given experiment did not investigate sources of fields. However it is known, that those are household appliances habitual to us - electrorazors, vacuum cleaners, phenes.
Also trams and electric trains are dangerous from this point of view. Key factor at influence of electromagnetic fields is the affinity to a source since intensity of a field quickly drops with augmentation of distance to a source.

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