четверг, 25 декабря 2008 г.

The originator of an abortion can become... A vacuum cleaner

According to results of researches of the American scientists, habitual electrical household appliances - phenes, vacuum cleaners - can become the abortion cause. During research to one thousand pregnant women (all of them were on 10th week of pregnancy) have suggested to wear within day on a waist the device measuring intensity of an electromagnetic field.
It has appeared, that for those women who were exposed to influence of an electromagnetic field by intensity 1,6 microTesla and above, the probability of an abortion almost doubles. Thus 622 from participants of experiment have reported, that day was gave away the most usual, ordinary, i.e. anybody specially did not embrace electrodevices.
Even at the account more than Order Minocin 30 other risk factors of an abortion communication between influence of electromagnetic fields and probability of an abortion remains. Scientists in the given experiment did not investigate sources of fields. However it is known, that those are household appliances habitual to us - electrorazors, vacuum cleaners, phenes.
Also trams and electric trains are dangerous from this point of view. Key factor at influence of electromagnetic fields is the affinity to a source since intensity of a field quickly drops with augmentation of distance to a source.

четверг, 11 декабря 2008 г.

Viscosity of blood and hematocrit are bound to risk of diabetes

The raised viscosity of blood and hematocrit associate with the raised risk of development of resistance to insulin and diabetes 2 types, according to the report in release «American Journal of Epidemiology» from November, 15th.
Viscosity of blood inversely proportional flow rates, is explained by authors, and could promote thus to the potoko-mediated resistance to insulin.
Doctor Leonardo Dzh. Leonardo phentermine pharmacy J. Tamariz (University of Miami School of Medicine, Florida) and colleagues data «Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study» have analysed.
Authors have found out, that rising of viscosity of blood associated with higher value of an index of mass of a body, a circle of a waist, the relation of circles of a waist and a shoulder, systolic arterial pressure, glucose level on an empty stomach, insulin, a fibrinogen, leucocytes, and levels of triglycerides, and with lower levels of cholesterol of lipoproteins of high density.
Viscosity of blood was significantly correlated with a hematocrit, but is weak enough with plasma fibers.
In multidimensional researches the highest квартиль viscosity of blood associated with augmentation of prevalence of diabetes 2 types on 68 %. Similar gradients of risk have been shown for a hematocrit and plasma fibers, researchers note.
Viscosity of blood associated with development of diabetes both in men, and in women, at white and the Afro-Americans, at ultram 50 mg online smokers and non-smoking, authors note.
«The main find of our research is the assumption, that the raised viscosity of blood can be an independent risk factor of diabetes 2 types», - scientists conclude. «Research supports a hypothesis, Revatio that depression of delivery of substrate can lead to resistance development to insulin and diabetes 2 types».
Studying of influence of updating of viscosity of blood on risk of diabetes becomes a subject of the further researches.

пятница, 5 декабря 2008 г.

Homosexuality is defined by genes

The American scientists search for the general biological lines among men-gays on purpose to prove, that homosexuality - genetical caused phenomenon, instead of a conscious choice of the person.
Scientists managed to secure certain patterns and resemblances among people of nonconventional orientation:
Proceeding from already received data, buy levitra online without prescription in comparison with men of heterosex orientation gays happen lefthanders is more often.
Among several brothers they happen younger is more often.
Also the probability of is higher that at them a hair is twisted in a direction counter-clockwise.
According to scientists, discussions round unisexual sex attitudes do not have not enough scientific substantiation and attention to the established scientific facts, that frequently leads to "prosperity" of myths and social isolation of a problem. As show interrogations CNN, till 2007 the majority of Americans believed, that gays if will want, can variate the sex orientation, and only last year for the first time the most part of respondents has declared the anatropic.
Explorers consider, that the sex behaviour can vary, but not predisposition as appetence mechanisms are biological and do not depend on any social factors. Now have completely cast away "the theory of parents", buy phentermine pharmacy according to which domination of mother in education and discharge of the father can become the homosexuality cause.
At present experts with impatience expect results of scale research in which course analysis of DNA of brothers ultram 50mg online from which was carried out, at least, one - the gay. It can tap some repeating fields of DNA that would confirm idea about innateness of homosexuality.

четверг, 4 декабря 2008 г.

For the first time in the world it is displanted it is artificial the grown up member

The Spanish surgeons have performed the first-ever operation on transplantation of the member which has been grown up from founder cells of the person: 30-year-old mother of two children Castillo have displanted the trachea which has been grown up from its cells in laboratory of university buy vpxl pharmacy of Bristol. About it British newspaper Daily Telegraph reports.
The new trachea actually consists of cells of its own body, therefore the woman does not require the strong medicines preventing tearing away of a member as it descends in case of foreign donor members.
It means, that at the patient the probability to be ill with cancer and other illnesses which can be invoked use of such medicines is practically shown to a minimum.
At signors Castillowere two phylums of cells are taken: the cells covering its trachea and adult founder cells (from an osteal brain) which should promote growth of the cells usually surrounding a trachea.
After four days of growth in laboratory buy ultram tablet conditions in specially rotating bioreactor, the donor trachea covered with cells of the patient, has been displanted Castillo.
Operation has been spent in June by the surgeon from Barcelona, Spain, professor Paolo Makchiarini.
It is possible to consider this operation as the big success, all in four days after transplantation the admixed trachea was practically indistinguishable from adjoining respiratory tracts.
In a month of assay on a biopsy have shown, phentermine on line that the grafted member has started to feed itself with blood independently.
Has now passed four months, the graft continues to work smoothly. According to professor Makchiarini the probability of any deflections in the future is practically peer to zero.

вторник, 2 декабря 2008 г.

Scars really decorate men.

Scientists from the Liverpool University (Great Britain) have established, that scars on the person do the man more attractive, especially for the women interested in short-term attitudes.
In the western culture scars on the weight loss phentermine online person usually are considered as a disadvantage, whereas in other cultures scars - a maturity and force symbol. However according to new research, the western women too consider man's scars attractive, asociate them with health and bravery.
Psychologists have tried to perceive, how presence of scars can affect a choice of the partner for long or short-term attitudes. It was found out, that women prefer men with scars when it is a question of short-term attitudes. Thus presence of scars does not influence in any way a choice of the partner for long attitudes. At men presence of scars too practically did not ultram 50 mg influence a choice of the partner.
«Women can consider men with scars attractive to short-term attitudes because scars associate with courage which is in turn connected to high level of Testosteron-Depotum and good genes. Thus men without scars are accepted as more careful, that is important for long attitudes», - the author of work Rob Burriss explains.
«Our data show, that the western people think in many respects also as representatives of other cultures. For example, in the Venezuelan tribe yanamo to men in ritual fights put plural wounds buy levitra 10mg on the face. The turned out scars of the man excrete with a paint to underline the force and persistence. From the western history it is possible to recollect tradition of fencing. The cicatrixes received from a sword too were considered as the bravery and firmness proof» - speaks Rob Burriss.