понедельник, 16 марта 2009 г.

Mountain disease

The appreciable part of our travel will pass at heights above 3500 metres above sea level. The mark of 5630 metres should become the highest point of our travel. With full confidence it is possible to tell that in different degree anybody from us will not avoid mountain disease implications.

The mountain disease or AMS (Acute mountain sickness) causes to that at the big heights the insufficient quantity of oxygen buy cheap Zovirax gets to muscles and a brain that heart on purpose compels to work strenuously to compensate an oxygen disadvantage. Mountain disease implications can be expressed variously, depending on height, rate of lifting and individual physical data of everyone. Usually, the first symptoms of a mountain disease begin at height of 2500 metres, and the main danger consists in rate of lifting. Mountain disease symptoms are shown within the first days of stay at height and appetite losses, insomnia and giddiness consist in headaches, a strong malaise, a nausea, drowsiness. The unique way to avoid fatal consequences consists in sufficient buy generic hydrochlorothiazide 25mg online acclimatisation before lifting and carefully thought over route in sense of prospective heights. Any other ways to avoid a mountain disease does not exist. Besides, it is necessary to have in view of that the fact, that experience of the previous high-rise travel made by you ever in the past, at all has no value.

The first occurring with a mountain disease will wait for us in the Indian Himalayas. Then we are waited by the Tibetan plateau. Flight from Katmandu (1300m) to Lhasa (3600m) will be serious test. Our route is thought over so that we had a maximum possibility to acclimatise in Lhasa within a buy cheap Zovirax week in city conditions where it is possible to count on the qualified medical aid. In spite of the fact that heights more than 5000 metres on which we should go on foot around mountain Kajlash, are very dangerous, we hope to arrive there in the good form. Anyway, experience of our previous trips has confirmed it.

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