Today all progressive mankind carefully watches the weight and appearance. The success accompanies those who well understands requirements of an organism and useful properties of various products, skilfully combines the most simple, accessible and, the main thing, useful of them.
Among such useful and accessible buy drugs online products, perhaps, one of the first places occupies a herring - fish traditional for Russia, informs Already more than hundred years this remarkable on the gustatory qualities fat fish is brought to us from Norway. The Norwegian herring - a magnificent source of vitamins A, D and In 12. It is rich with fat acids Омега-3 useful and extremely necessary for health.
These acids, doctors advise, should be present necessarily at nutrition of all who struggles with excess weight or tries to conduct a healthy way of life. Therefore in any “an unloading ration” (and not only) it is possible and it is necessary to include the Norwegian herring
They raise protection of an organism against various chronic diseases, improve a condition of a skin, hair and fingernails. These fat acids are responsible for development of cells of an organism. And still fat acids Омега-3 are an obligatory element for high-grade mental development and growth of our children. The brain of the person for 60 percent consists of Adepses from ultram which, according to scientists, not less than 30 percent it is necessary on a share of fat acids Омега-3. The Norwegian herring from northern waters is rich with valuable acids Омега-3 which interfere with development of an atherosclerosis and reduce cholesterol level in blood. Therefore, for example, Eskimos of Greenland extremely seldom are ill with cardiovascular diseases and do not suffer from clottages and a thromboembolism.
For the person a unique source of fat acids Омега-3 is the nutrition and especially fat fish: the matter is that an organism not in a condition independently to develop these acids.
Scientists of University of Sydney have found out, that in children regularly consuming cod-liver oil, four times more low risk of development of an asthma, than at their contemporaries eating of few fish, Victor Tribunsky in writes. Experts of University of Wyoming have informed, that consumption of 3,3 grammes in day of cod-liver oil has considerably facilitated breath and other symptoms at asthmatics. Positive influence of cod-liver oil and on other pulmonary diseases has been noticed.
The uncountable set of researches confirms that fact, that cod-liver oil can prevent and treat an atherosclerosis, quinsy, heart attacks, an arrhythmia, paralyses and diseases of peripheral vessels. It helps to support anafranil elasticity of arterial walls, to prevent formation of thrombuses, to reduce a blood pressure and to stabilise a warm rhythm.
The Greek scientists have informed, that reception of alimentary additives of cod-liver oil has reduced (10g/day) number of heart attacks to 41 %. Scientists of University Tsintsinati have found out, that only two grammes in day of cod-liver oil (410мг EPA and 285мг DHA) are capable to lower diastolic pressure on 4,4мм a mercurial column and systolic on 6,5мм of that it is quite enough for refusal of medical products.
At present there are data, that cod-liver oil can detain or reduce tumour development in cases of a cancer of a breast. As have shown researches, 2,5 grammes of cod-liver oil a day can effectively prevent development of malignant polyps in an intestine, and the Korean scientists have informed, that at patients with a prostate cancer the lowered level omega-3 fat acids has been noted.
Experts recommend to eat at least two 140-gramme portions of fish in a week. One of portions should consist of a fat grade. Fish is an excellent source of a protein and contains set of vitamins and minerals. In it few sated Adepses and a lot of useful to health omega-3 fat acids. Fishes with edible bones, such as sardines and a can salmon, contain phosphorus and fluorine. Calcium is necessary for strengthening of bones, phosphorus is required for set of functions of an organism, and fluorine strengthens a teeth.
Among others cod-liver oil - the vitamin A necessary for good vision at insufficient illumination and maintenance of a healthy condition of a skin, and the vitamin D necessary for health of bones. Besides, fish - a quite good source of the selenium, helping to protect cells from damages.
понедельник, 6 октября 2008 г.
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